
Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the act of modifying your website's code and content to improve the quantity of organic search engine traffic (Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.) to your site by increasing the authority and relevancy of keywords. Search engine optimization (SEO) allows search engines to locate your website in the vast internet ocean. Our SEO marketing firm collaborates with you to create customized campaigns for businesses of all sizes. Because Internet marketing plans aren't "one-size-fits-all," we'll create a well-thought-out and personalized SEO service strategy for you, complete with the correct implementation. When you choose our SEO services, your site will gradually rise to the top of the search engines, finally establishing itself as an authority and achieving top rankings for your keywords and exposure. Our off-site SEO service (also known as backlink improvement) will assist you in reducing the number of links that might harm your brand's authority. We dissect your competitors' techniques and develop a long-term SEO service strategy tailored to your sector or speciality. Applicorns meets your needs if you're looking for the best SEO service agency that knows how to get results. We've been delivering excellent SEO services to various clients, and we're getting better at it every year. It's crucial to keep a long-term optimization plan in place that benefits you and your company. Customer expectations are quickly changing, and prominent search engines are constantly modifying their algorithms and strategies to stay consistent. Our team has the tools, expertise, and understanding you need to build your business. We are always a call away to help you, whether you're a brand-new startup trying to make a name for yourself, an established website looking to improve its performance, or a brand-new startup looking to establish a reputation for itself. We provide several SEO services at Applicorns to assist your business in growing. Our adaptable SEO services are focused on laying a solid basis for your online success, providing a plethora of options for reaching your target customers—no matter where they are looking. You may pick which SEO plan is best for your business and digital marketing goals when you engage with us as your SEO service provider. Our SEO service will build SEO strategies to enhance your online visibility. Our complete SEO services will get tailored to match any demand and budget. You can improve brand interaction across numerous digital channels and rank higher on search engines with the appropriate SEO services. Good search results are the most effective strategy to attract more visitors, leads, and new customers while also solidifying your company's online presence. As a result, excellent SEO tactics have become essential for all businesses today. It makes no difference how big your company is; SEO services are beneficial to organizations of all sizes, regardless of their brand value and reputation. You will profit from our SEO service in several ways, including: - We help you locate the proper keywords, queries, and long-tailed phrases to bring traffic to your website and pages from search engines and consumers. Our team will increase the demand for your products or services by increasing your web traffic and revenues. They will assist you in securing the top rank on search engines and allow them to understand your business. We will analyse technological operations, user behaviour, and competitive performance in depth. Our team is always up-to-date with the latest digital trends and changes, which will assist you in developing a long-term plan that is tailored to your demands and company goals to prevent a dead end. Here is why we recommend clients to invest more in SEO than Paid Ads Highest Conversion Rate We recommend only if there are low competition key words Detailed stats by Google Get Acquainted with our SEO Service Process Evaluating Competitors Our team will investigate your rivals' SEO techniques and processes to develop a complete plan to build on and oppose them to stay ahead of the competition. SEO services involve researching rivals' goal keywords and their respective target sites to attract more traffic and click share rates. SEO Audit Our SEO audit services ensure that your web pages are free of inconsistencies. By conducting a comprehensive audit using over 270 pointers checks, we verify that your webpages are optimized in all elements, including content, URLs, website architecture, and responsiveness. After that, you'll receive a detailed audit report outlining all of the areas where you may enhance or optimize your website's rating. Keyword Research Applicorns specializes in doing in-depth keyword research to get top rankings for your web pages. We only target the ideal keywords for each page to get organic traffic. We use this component to its utmost capacity by doing relevant keyword analysis and optimization. On-Page SEO Implementation We optimize individual web pages on websites using On-page SEO to help them rank higher in search engines. Our staff examines the content of your pages, meta tags, title tags, and a variety of other characteristics to see if they are SEO friendly. This action guarantees that we don't overlook anything that might influence your website's search engine rankings. Off-Page Search Engine Optimization Our experts will handle the link analysis for your website. To attract links, we should not employ non-spammy approaches. We'll keep an eye on your brand or company's online mentions while also studying reputable bloggers, journalists, and industry influencers for branding purposes. We'll create unique and optimized content for natural or manual link building, as well as execute outreach for your website's content. Our team will generate unique, user-centric content with a hook to encourage natural and manual link building. Content Enrichment The most crucial aspect of any website is the content, which can determine everything about your company. Our SEO service generates and optimizes content for your web pages to improve their rating. We make sure that all of your pages' content is optimized for search engines and matched with your company's SEO goals. Internal Contextual Linking The goal of every website is to educate and inform visitors. At Applicorns, we will provide you with internal and external connections for building services. The measure ensures that the presence of your target audience on the site is maintained for an extended period. It also aids in attracting search engines and bots to your web pages by constructing contextual and dynamic link structures that are unique to each webpage. Internal linking, in particular, is a common tactic among eCommerce SEO companies. Off-page SEO service isn't just about gaining a link to your site; it's about getting the right link to your site. These kinds of links increase your website's authority and serve as trust signals. As a reputable SEO services firm in Mumbai, Applicorns mission is to help your company establish a solid online marketing foundation. Our SEO services aim to increase the visibility of your website on search engine results pages (SERPs) while developing confidence and reputation for your company in the internet world with our SEO services. We will establish your company's authority within a specific industry. We can assist you in increasing both the quality and quantity of visitors to your company's website. For increased exposure and, of course, greater search rankings, Applicorns provides the best SEO services. You'll get everything you need to develop your digital presence and construct an online brand that attracts attention, from local and enterprise SEO to global/national SEO, online reputation management, and e-commerce SEO. In this regard, you may also use our off-page SEO service, content marketing, guest blogging, SEO consultancy service, and other tools. If you've ever wondered why certain websites rank higher than others, it's because they employ the most effective SEO tactics and practices. Applicorns is the most reputable SEO service provider in Mumbai, carefully selecting relevant keywords and creating link-building strategies tailored to your demands and objectives. We assist you in obtaining relevant organic search traffic, which is the most converted traffic generated by any digital marketing channel.

Search Engine Optimization includes using techniques and undertaking process to improve the ranking of the website in search engine’s index. It includes,
Web server analysis & reporting
Common errors include having Javascript files embedded incorrectly and poor navigational structure. We will take a look at how your server is set-up and make changes as necessary.

Key phrase research
Great key phrase research is the solid foundation of any Search Engine Optimization campaign. We will analyze keywords to determine what phrases will convert, which phrases will drive traffic, and which will do both.

Predictive keyword analysis
In addition to our own keyword research using tools such as the Google Adwords Keyword Planner, we will analyze your keywords using our proprietary predictive keyword analysis tool to estimate the amount of traffic/leads/sales that can be gained by improving each keywords position.

Meta tags (Title & description)
Meta tags tell the search engines what your site is about. It also shows up to viewers when they do a search in Google. You want this written well from both a search engine and a user perspective. It is important these tags incorporate keywords but also compel users to click.

Optimization of robots.txt & GoogleBot crawls
The robots.txt file allows the search engine "robots" to know those folders that should not be included in their index (i.e. pages that are not for users to see).

Creation & registrations of sitemap.xml
Shows the search engines every page on your site, the importance of these pages, and how often they're updated.

Google+ business profile setup/optimization
The Google+ social network influences Google's search results. Thus, WebpageFX will setup and/or enhance your Google+ business profile.

Mobile site optimization (if applicable)
If you have a separate mobile site, we will optimize it for the search engines as well.

Information architecture audit
We will make sure your navigational structure is Search Engine Optimization friendly and that your internal linking maximizes your Search Engine Optimization capabilities.

Google Analytics setup w/ conversion tracking
If you don't have Google Analytics installed already, we'll do this for you. We'll also set up new goals (filling out a form, calling a phone number, etc) based on what your individual goals are.
Google Analytics traffic analysis
We'll perform a full analysis of where your traffic is coming from, where they went on your site and from which pages they left.

Creation of Google Analytics custom dashboards
Shows the search engines every page on your site, the importance of these pages, and how often they're updated.

Not provided filter / Not provided analysis reporting
Shows the search engines every page on your site, the importance of these pages, and how often they're updated.

Local search optimization
We'll create, claim and optimize your Google Places page so your local listing returns higher in the map results.

Setup of website sitemap
A sitemap is visible to readers and is helpful with navigation. Google recommends each page on your site be within 2 clicks of the home page, a sitemap enables this possibility. This varies from the sitemap.xml file, which is for search engines to read.

Alternate text added to images Google can't read images, they can only read text. We'll add text to the image properties so Google gets a clear snapshot of what your site is about.

Link redirect audit
We'll fix any links coming into your site on unknown pages and set up appropriate 301 (permanent) redirects.

Custom 404 error page setup
A custom 404 error page will tell search engines and users where to go if they type in the wrong page.

Schema HTML tags
Schema refers to an HTML tag that marks up the content on your pages in a mark up language recognized by major search providers, making it easier for search engines to understand the relevancy of your site to a specific search query.

Rel="publisher" implementation
hCard formats help local search engines find your address, phone numbers and other general business information and allows your business to display prominently in map listings.

Initial copywriting articles or blog posts
Coordinating with your Social media Optimization Expert, We will suggest keywords to be incorporated in your blogs content to improve your page ranking.

Keyword reporting schedule
Every month is a new strategy. We'll show you where your keywords are ranking and our plan to move them up in the SERPs.

Traffic & goal reporting schedule
Driving traffic is one thing, focusing on keywords that convert is another. We'll set up goals (fill out a form, purchase an item, call a number, etc) and track the progress of your campaign based on these goals.
Google data highlights
Google allows webmasters to highlight structured data on their websites, which allows Google to more easily index and display this structured data in rich snippets in the search results.

Canonicalization analysis
A domain should be directed to http://www.site.com even if www.site.com, site.com, or http://site.com is typed in. A canonical domain issue causes duplicate content, a huge no-no in Google's eyes.

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